The 30 Day Hormone Reset Challenge focuses on four key areas relating to hormone health:
Nutrition • Sleep • Movement • and Stress Management, teaching you the how's & why's behind each subject.
The 30 Day Hormone Reset Challenge focuses on four key areas relating to hormone health:
Stop Trying To Lose Weight To Get Healthy,
Get Healthy To Lose Weight!

Hi friend, my name is Briana!
I was able to radically transform my health when I finally stopped trying to "lose weight to get healthy," and focused on healing the way my body was functioning from the inside out, instead!
I know that sounds a little too good to be true, so let me explain.
When I first learned I might be suffering from hormone dysfunction, I was two years postpartum after having both my 5th and my 6th child back-to-back and I still looked 8 months pregnant.
I had been dieting, restricting calories and entire food groups, and working out 6 days per week, consistently for almost 8 months!
I was so rundown and exhausted, but I was desperate to feel some resemblance of “me” again after 4 years on being pregnant and breastfeeding without a break.
Despite all of my effort to feel “normal” again, I watched the scale climb to my highest postpartum weight ever. With the weight gain, I simultaneously I started experiencing an onslaught of symptoms I’d never had before.
- Irregular cycles, heavy bleeds
- Acne
- Joint pain
- Inflammation
- Chronic Migraines
- Brain Fog
- Non-existent sex drive
- Dry Skin
- IBS symptoms
- Exhaustion & fatigue
I mistakenly thought all these new symptoms were related to my weight gain, but in reality, the weight gain was just another SYMPTOM.
The actual root cause of my symptoms, including my weight gain, was hormone dysfunction!
Even though I’ve been a fitness professional for 16 years, hormone health wasn’t an topic I knew anything about outside of the general areas of dealing with special populations surrounding “menopause,” “diabetes” and “optimizing blood sugar regulation for athletic performance.”
The reality is, as a woman, we should all have an in-depth understanding of what controls our health, our body’s appearance, and the way we FEEL.
That’s why I created my 30 Day Hormone Reset Challenge!
I created the challenge so I could methodically walk you step-by-step through the process of learning and implementing all of the information I used to transform my health in a very intentional way!
Instead of throwing a stack of medical journals at you and saying: "Here! Read this... and figure out how it applies to you!"
I have broken down all of the information for you to learn and apply, one-step at a time, right along with me in real time so you never feel overwhelmed.
Stop Trying To Lose Weight To Get Healthy,
Get Healthy To Lose Weight!

Hi friend, my name is Briana!
I was able to radically transform my health when I finally stopped trying to "lose weight to get healthy," and focused on healing the way my body was functioning from the inside out, instead!
I know that sounds a little too good to be true, so let me explain.
When I first learned I might be suffering from hormone dysfunction, I was two years postpartum after having both my 5th and my 6th child back-to-back and I still looked 8 months pregnant.
I had been dieting, restricting calories and entire food groups, and working out 6 days per week, consistently for almost 8 months!
I was so rundown and exhausted, but I was desperate to feel some resemblance of “me” again after 4 years on being pregnant and breastfeeding without a break.
Despite all of my effort to feel “normal” again, I watched the scale climb to my highest postpartum weight ever. With the weight gain, I simultaneously I started experiencing an onslaught of symptoms I’d never had before.
• Irregular cycles, heavy bleeds
• Acne
• Joint pain
• Inflammation
• Chronic Migraines
• Brain fog
• Non-existent sex drive
• Dry skin
• IBS symptoms
• Exhaustion & fatigue
I mistakenly thought all these new symptoms were related to my weight gain, but in reality, the weight gain was just another SYMPTOM.
The actual root cause of my symptoms, including my weight gain, was hormone dysfunction!
The reality is, as a woman, we should all have an in-depth understanding of what controls our health, our body’s appearance, and the way we FEEL.
That’s why I created my 30 Day Hormone Reset Challenge!
I created the challenge so I could methodically walk you step-by-step through the process of learning and implementing all of the information I used to transform my health in a very intentional way!
Instead of throwing a stack of medical journals at you and saying:
"Here! Read this... and figure out how it applies to you!"
I have broken down all of the information for you to learn and apply, one-step at a time, right along with me in real time so you never feel overwhelmed.

Hormone Health 101
What are hormones? What is the root cause of hormone imbalance and dysfunction?

Do You Have It?
Symptoms, labs & testing (optional) for hormone dysfunction.

What to eat, what to avoid, and why.

The importance of sleep for hormone regulation and how to improve the quality of sleep.

Hormone health & exercise, and what type of movement is best for YOU.

Stress Management
How stress affects your hormone health & stress management tactics.

Hormone Health 101
What are hormones? What is the root cause of hormone imbalance and dysfunction?

Do You Have It?
Symptoms & testing (optional) for hormone dysfunction.

What to eat, what to avoid, and why.

The importance of sleep for hormone regulation and how to improve the quality of sleep.

Hormone health & exercise, and what type of movement is best for YOU.

Stress Management
How stress affects your hormone health & stress management tactics.
The 30 Day Hormone Reset Challenge is for ALL WOMEN in ALL SEASONS OF LIFE! This includes women who have never had children, those who haven't had children in years, as well as those who are currently pregnant, breastfeeding, pre and post-menopausal, and even those who are currently on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).
The 30 Day Hormone Reset Challenge is for ALL WOMEN in ALL SEASONS OF LIFE! This includes women who have not had children in years, as well as those who are currently pregnant, breastfeeding, pre and post-menopausal, and even those who are currently on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).
Give me 30 days to help you implement all of the steps and tools that took me the last 12 MONTHS and THOUSANDS of dollars to learn!

Coaching Videos
Take massive action with the clarity and focus you need to transform your health in a systematic way!

Daily Tasks
Each day of the challenge you are provided 3-5 tasks & activities to implement!

Guides & Resources
Get step-by-step guidance each month on how to implement all that you have learned!

Live Daily Support
Access private community for LIVE support and daily accountability from Briana and other members!
Give me 30 days to help you implement all of the steps and tools that took me the last 12 MONTHS and THOUSANDS of dollars to learn!

Coaching Videos
Take massive action with the clarity and focus you need to transform your health with 7+ Hours of coaching videos!

Daily Tasks
Each day of the challenge you are provided 3-5 tasks & activities to implement!

Guides & Resources
Get step-by-step guidance each day on how to implement all that you have learned!

Live Daily Support
Access private community for LIVE support and daily accountability from Briana and other members!
Hi, Briana here! Most people know me as the CEO and founder of the global body-positive fitness movement called Bikini Body Mommy™ but I have actually been a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist for over 18 years!
As a body transformation expert, I not only have a decade and a half of credentials and professional experience, but I also have the PERSONAL EXPERIENCE of living in an overweight body that has been medically classified as "morbidly obese."
You see, despite all of my experience as a "health professional," my body has a history of gaining A LOT of weight in pregnancy, and even more weight while breastfeeding.
When I say "A lot of weight"... I'm talking about 60-100 pounds, every single time.
As a mom with six kids (and two angel babies), sometimes I've been able to lose all of the baby weight before getting pregnant again, and sometimes I haven't.
I am currently 2 years into the process I lay out in this 30 day Challenge and I'm officially down 100 pounds, and I have lost 23% body fat by focusing solely on restoring my hormone health!
Two years ago though, I was you! Standing exactly where you are, asking myself the same question: "Will this work?"
I know how downright DAUNTING it feels to be standing where you are on DAY ONE.
So daunting in fact, I can't tell you how many times I've been too paralyzed or exhausted to convince myself to even start!
That's why I created this 30 Day Challenge.
To help you START, and continue to show up, day after day, with new coaching videos, resources, private community support, and specific tasks and activities to follow each day!
Are you ready to prioritize your health from the inside out?
Are you ready to fix the things that are broken, so you can move forward in your journey to becoming the best version of you there has ever been?
Hi, Briana here! Most people know me as the CEO and founder of the global body-positive fitness movement called Bikini Body Mommy™ but I have actually been a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist for over 18 years!
As a body transformation expert, I not only have a decade and a half of credentials and professional experience, but I also have the PERSONAL EXPERIENCE of living in an overweight body that has been medically classified as "morbidly obese."
You see, despite all of my experience as a "health professional," my body has a history of gaining A LOT of weight in pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
When I say "A lot of weight"... I'm talking about 60-100 pounds, every single time.
As a mom with six kids (and two angel babies), sometimes I've been able to lose all of the baby weight before getting pregnant again, and sometimes I haven't.
I am currently 2 years into the process I lay out in this 30 day Challenge and I'm officially down 100 pounds, and I have lost 23% body fat by focusing solely on restoring my hormone health!
Two years ago though, I was you! Standing exactly where you are, asking myself the same question: "Will this work?"
I know how downright DAUNTING it feels to be standing where you are on DAY ONE.
So daunting in fact, I can't tell you how many times I've been too paralyzed or exhausted to convince myself to even start!
That's why I created this 30 Day Challenge.
To help you START, and continue to show up, day after day, with new coaching videos, resources, private community support, and specific tasks and activities to follow each day!
Are you ready to prioritize your health from the inside out?
Are you ready to fix the things that are broken, so you can move forward in your journey to becoming the best version of you there has ever been?


I'm so grateful for women like Briana who continue to teach the narrative of bouncing forward and honoring your body in every season. She inspires me so much! There have been very few that l've been able to follow post weight-loss season into body acceptance season and she's #1!
Sarah Nicole
Founder of The Papaya Podcast